<p>The clicnroll blog of inline skating: product tests, reviews, team, competitions... all the news and information of inline skating...</p>
RAZORS Skates Shell Sizes
You want a perfect fit in your RAZORS shell, so that your foot is exactly where it belongs? Here is the exact information on the shell sizes of RAZORS skates
Review FR SKATES The Rec Wheels
The FR SKATES The Rec wheels, a low price freestyle skating wheel now available on the market. What about it, its quality and durability?
Review KALTIK Junior Skates
The KALTIK Junior skates are here and we are super enthusiastic about this skate.

Review OYSI frames

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Review OYSI frames
Review of the OYSI frame by Clic-N-Roll staff. A lot of riders talk about these frames, the one who get them are very fast in skateparks and it looks like they can slide easily... let's see how it is...
Put / Remove bearings from aluminium hub wheels (French Language)
In this tuto, Bolton from clicnroll shows you how to remove and put bearings in FAMUS iron wheels (French)