SCHLAGUE SESSION, a real skating competition ?
   26/03/2024 00:00:00     In Line Skating    0 Comments
SCHLAGUE SESSION, a real skating competition ?

SCHLAGUE, noun. fem.

A. − Disciplinary punishment formerly in use in the German and Austrian armies, and which consisted of beatings with a cane. Administer, give, receive the schlague.
B. − In fig. At the schlague. In an authoritarian and brutal way. Lead someone to the schlague.

So we would say that "SCHLAGUE SESSION" is a roller skating session that turns into a street skating competition... a session that sends some dirt, with people far from being bad who come to give you a correction. a legendary LYON spot, the “Foch” walls...

For several years, at the instigation of more or less local riders but at least emblematic of the Lyon region, the SCHLAGUE SESSION has been organized in the street, with hundreds of participants who literally throw their sweating bodies soaked in products more or less legal on the Foch wall...

As if the spot wasn't already engaging enough, every year there are new things on it and around it... rails, curbs that flourish here and there, DIY curves...

The organization which seems basic is no longer really so, you can find snacks, mulled wine, sound... that's for the day, while you see people giving their life on tricks from another dimension.

Over the years the contest has become "professional" at the organization level, with categories open to youngsters, because the next generation is important and we need to show them that roller skating is not only practiced in sanitized spaces!

Then, there is the evening which is engraved, each time, in roller skating annals because there are so many space actions happening there... on this point I will say no more...

If you want to participate in this 2024 edition which promises to be grandiose, we'll give you the

Facebook event link

A little history :

A very good summary of the 2016 edition by LA ROULETTE

Clicnroll will be a partner of this 2024 edition and will provide prizes for the biggest SCHLAGS who will give their lives for glory and prosperity.


  1. Robin
  2. Léandre Fabri
  3. Till Zimmer
  4. Fabien Elettro
  5. Nicolas Piccarreta

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